MENOPAUSE - Common Medical Advice,


General Information

Menopause is a state of physiologic cessation of menstrual bleeding as a result of decreasing ovarían function, which is a transition from fertile and menstrual years to a stage when a woman can no longer conceive. Menopause occurs when women runOut of viable ova or have their ovaries removed or damaged at the surgery. in either case, the production of oestrOgen, progesterone and androgens from the ovary is reduced below the level necessary to maintain good cellular responses. Menopause can be natural, artificial, or premature. Menopause is a natural stage in a woman's life occurring in the 40-55 year age group. The dramatic depletion of estrogen in the body is basically responsible for the symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms

The common symptoms involve:

  • Vasovagal symptoms such as hot flu (80%% of patients), sweats(70%), formication (17%), and palpitation (30%)
  • Irritability
  • Nervousness
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Amenorrhoea
  • Pain Back pain, bone and joint pain, muscle pain
  • Osteoporosis
  • Dry skin
  • Poor memory
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Dyspareunia
  • Dysuria
  • Decreased libido

Advice to the Customers

  • To prevent osteoporosis do weight-bearing exercises e.g. brisk walking regularly.
  • To help to prevent heart disease eat a balanced low-fat diet.
  • Take calcium-rich food and drinks eg, milk, cheese, etc.
  • Wear loose clothing
  • To prevent discomfort due to hot flushes occasionally douse your face with a moist towel.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages and coffee
  • Drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses of water per day regularly.
  • Have regular sleep. 
  • Examine your breasts regularly.

Prescription Advice

  • Instruct the patient on the medication and how to use it properly, 1.e. name of the medication, frequency of dosage, etc.
  • In cases where menopause causes much distress and discomfort, instruct the patient to consult a physician.
  • Discuss Advice to the Customers thoroughly for more information on the prevention and management of menopause.

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