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PRE-MENSTRUAL TENSION - Common Medical Advice

General Information

Pre-menstrual tension or syndrome (PMT or PMS) is a collection of physical and emotional (mood) changes related to menstruation.PMS usually starts at the beginning of the menstrual cycle and lasts until a few days after menstruation. The cause of PMS is still unknown. The condition commonly occurs in many women, although the symptoms are normally mild. Less than 10% of this population experience severe symptoms and these women should seek medical advice.

Signs and Symptoms


  • Fluid retention-swollen ankles, fingers, legs, bloated feeling in the stomach, puffy face.
  • Tender, swollen or painful breasts
  • Dull aches and pains often beginning in the back, knees, or ankles
  • A headache like a band around the forehead
  • Gaining weight.
  • Stomach cramps, constipation.
  • Tiredness/no energy.
  • Increased thirst or appetite.
  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Skin breaks out.
  • Being clumsy or uncoordinated.

  • Tension, anxiety.
  • Depression
  • Being irritable, aggressive angry.
  • Sudden mood swings
  • Decreased interest in work, study friends and hobbies.
  • Difficulty concentrating

Advice to the Customers

  • Practice stress management and relaxation techniques
  • Cut down on salt to help prevent bloating, and avoid caffeine to lessen anxiety.
  • Because the symptoms are numerous, trying different products may be necessary, with each product tried for approximately 3-4 months to determine effectiveness. However, if two to three products fail to provide symptomatic relief, the patient should see a physician who may prescribe medicines that may be helpful.
  • If PMS interferes significantly with a normal lifestyle, refer the patient to a physician.

Prescription Advice

  • Instruct the patient on the medication and how to use it properly, i.e. name of the medication, frequency of dosage, etc.
  • In cases where PMT is severe and causing much discomfort, instruct the patient to consult a physician.
  • Discuss advice to the customers thoroughly for more information on the prevention and management of pre-menstrual tension.

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