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Pregnancy Drug Index - Find out which medicine to give to a pregnant woman

Pregnancy Drug Index

Find out which medicine to give to a pregnant woman

We are often afraid of prescribing drugs to pregnant mothers when they go to the doctor Because most of the drugs we know are harmful to pregnancy !!

With this problem in mind, I'm trying to give you a list of what drugs can or can't be given during pregnancy from the US FDA's pregnancy index.

Let's not know the pregnancy categories before 6.

The US FDA divides drug prescription during pregnancy into 6 categories -

1) Category A:
  • These drugs do not pose a significant risk to fetuses after direct study of the pregnant mother.
2) Category B:
  • Drugs in this category have not been tested in humans, but animal trials have shown no adverse effects on fetuses. Drugs of this category can also be safely given to pregnant mothers
3) Category C:
  • Drugs in this category have been found to have adverse effects in animal studies (teratogenic/embryo dal/anything else). But there is no human trial with these drugs It would not be right to prescribe without calculating the risk-benefit ratio
4) Category D:
  • Drugs in this category have been found to have direct evidence of human fetal risk, but are acceptable if no other alternative drug is found to save the life of the pregnant mother.
5) Category X:
  • These drugs are completely teratogenic
6) Category N:
  • There have been no human or animal trials with this drug yet
Let's take a look at the pregnancy categories of conventional drugs:

* Vitamins:
  • 1) Thiamine HCl ………………………… A
  • 2) Folic acid …………………………… ...A
* Anti-hypertensive:
  • 1) Methyldopa ............................................ B
  • 2) Atenolol ……………………………......D
  • 3) Misoprostol ………………………….....X
  • 4) Losartan ……………………………......C
  • 5) losartan + Thiazide ……………............. C + D
* Anti-platelets:
  • 1) Clopidogrel …………………………….B
  • 2) Clopidogrel + Aspirin …………….........B + D
* Anti-histamine:
  • 1) Ketotifen ……………………………....C
  • 2) cetirizine …………………………....... B
  • 3) Ambroxol HCl ………………………...N
* Anti-Bacterial:
  • 1) Penicillin ……………………………… .B
  • 2) Amoxicillin …………………………… .B
  • 3) Co-amoxiclav ………………………… .B
  • 4) Flucloxacillon ………………………… B
  • 5) Meropenem …………………………… B
  • (All penicillins are ..category
  • 6) All cefalosporins are ……………….......B
  • 7) Ciprofloxacin ………………………… ..C
  • 8) ofloxacin ………………………………..C
  • 9) Levofloxacin ……………………………C
  • 10) Moxifloxacin ……………………….....C
  • 11) Lomefloxacin ………………………....C
  • 12) Gatifloxacin …………………………..C
  • 13) Sparfloxacin …………………………..C
  • 14) Gemifloxacin ……………………….....C
  • 15) Nalidixic Acid C
  • 16) Chloramphenicol (even drop)… C
  • 18) Tetracyclines ……………………….....D
  • 19) Clindamycin ………………………… B
  • 20) Azithromycin ………………………....B
  • 21) Erythromycin ………………………... B
  • 22) Clarithromycin ………………………..C
  • 23) Gentamicin …………………………....C
  • 24) Neomycin ……………..........topical….C
  • 25) Metronidazole ………………………...A
  • 26) Sulfonamides ……………………….....D
  • 27) Rifampicin..............................................C
  • 28) Dapsone ................................................C
  • 29) INH C ....................................................C
  • 30) Pyraziname.............................................C
  • 31) Ethambutol …………………………....B
  • 32) Streptomycin ……………………….....D
* Anti Fungal:
  • 1) Fluconazole................................................C
  • 2) Ketoconazole .............................................C
  • 3) Itraconazole ...............................................C
  • 4) Miconazole  ...............................................C
  • 5) Nystatin ......................................................C
  • 6) Clotrimazole ...............................................C
  • 7) Amphotericin B............................................B
* Anti Viral:
  • 1) Acyclovir ……………………………......B
  • 2) Valacyclovir ……………………………. B
  • 3) Adefovir ………………………………....C
  • 4) Lamivudine ……………………………...C
  • 5) Zidovudine …………………………….....C
  • 6) Nelfinavir ………………………………...B
  • 7) Abacavir ………………………………….C
* Antiprotozoal:
  • 1) Nitazoxanide ………………………….....B
  • 2) Artemether ……………………………… D
  • 3) Lumefantrine …………………………....D
  • 4) Quinine ………………………………….C
  • 5) chloroquine ……. (Maybe safe).................N
* Anti Helminthic:
  • 1) Albendazole …………………………......C
  • 2) Mebendazole ………………………….....C
  • 3) Pyrantel pamoate......................................C
* Anti Ectoparasite:
  • 1) Permethrin ……… .topical ………… B
* Anti-Ulcerant:
  • 1) Ranitidine ………………………… ..B
  • 2) Omeprazole ……………………….....C
  • 3) Pantoprazole …………………….......B
  • 4) Rabiprazole ………………………....B
  • 5) Lansoprazole ……………………......B
  • 6) Esomeprazole Mg ………………......B
  • 7) esomeprazole strontium …….............C
  • 8) Antacids (Calcium carbonate) ............C
  • 9) Almunium hydroxide...........................N
  • 10) Mg (OH) 2 ………………………....N
  • 11) Simethicone ………………………...C
  • 12) Sucralfate …………………………..B
* Anti Spasmodic:
  • 1) Tiemonium methyl sulfate..................N
  • 2) Dotaverine.............................................C
  • 3) Tramadol HCl .......................................C
* Laxative:
  • 1) Lactulose …………………………......B
* Nausea, Vomiting, and Vertigo:
  • 1) Cinnarone …………………………..............C
  • 2) Meclizine ………………………....….....… B
  • 3) Meclizine + pyridoxine ………...............… B
  • 4) Promethazine ………………………...........C
  • 5) Cyclizine ………………………………..... B
  • 6) Doxylamine ………………………… ..B
* Severe Vomiting:
  • 1) Domperidone ..........................................N
  • 2) Ondansetron ………......…………......... B
  • 3) Granisetron …………………………......B
  • 4) Palonosetron ………………………........B
  • 1) Paracetamol ………………………......B
  • 2) Aspirin ……………………………….C + D
  • 3) Aceclofenac ………………………......N
  • 4) Diclofenac …………………………...C + D
  • 5) Ibuprofen …………………………….C + D
  • 6) Indomethacin ……………………….. C + D
  • 7) Naproxen …………………………......C
  • 8) Ketorolac ……………………………...C
  • 9) Meloxicam ………………………........C + D
  • 10) Sulindac ……………………………...C
  • 11) Etoricoxib ............................................N
  • 1) Methotrexate ………………………...X
  • 2) Azathioprine ………………………...D
  • 3) Salfasalazine ………………………...B
  • 4) Leflunomide .......................................X
* Muscle Relaxant:
  • 1) Baclofen ……………………..............C
  • 2) Tolperisone ………………..................N
  • 3) Eperisone …………….........................N
  • 4) Tizanidine ………………………… ..C
* Anti-cancer drugs:
  • 1) Actinomycin ……………………… ..D
  • 2) Busulfan. …………………………… D
  • 3) Chlorambucil ……………………… D
  • 4) Cyclophosphamide ……………........D
  • 5) Doxorubicin ………………………....D
  • 6) Mercaptopurine …………………......D
  • 7) Methotrexate ………………………..X
  • 8) Vinblastine …………………………...D
  • 9) Vincristine ……………………….......D
(C + D means, these drugs are in Category C in one trimester and in Category D in one trimester)

[A = can be safely prescribed
B = can be prescribed
C = Risk-Benefit Ratio should be calculated and prescribed (this drug is harmful to the baby and pregnancy)
D = Cannot be prescribed if you want a healthy baby and pregnancy (the only life-saving conditions can be given where there is no alternative)
X = cross mark, cannot be given]
Problems related to pregnancy in category C may be -
spontaneous abortions, delayed onset of labor,
premature closing of the fetal ductus arteriosus,
jaundice, occasionally maternal (intrapartum and postpartum) and/or neonatal hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, and oligohydramnios.
Problems in category D will be:
Congenital malformations (eg, fetal growth restriction, mandibular hypoplasia, cleft palate, cranial dysostosis, spinal defects).

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